Each year, at the end of summer a plant illness called powdery mildew attacks and infects zucchini and cucumber plants.
Zucchinis grown without MINERAL products

The start of the infection is hardly visible.

The white spots on the leaves are rapidly growing and multiplying.

At the end leaves are covered with powdery mildew.

From up close we can detect the fungi spores (disease), that look like spinkled flour.

From up close we can detect the fungi spores (disease), that look like spinkled flour.
Zucchinis grown with MINERAL products
The zuccinni plant, that had self-sowed itself on the compost pile, hasn’t been treated with MINERAL up to the end of august and got infected by the powdery mildew disease. After two sprayings with MINERAL Yellow plant looks much healthier.
Before using MINERAL products
After using MINERAL products

To a even greater surprise, the zucchini plant began to sprout new leaves. Also a number of new fruit settings appeared.