After the summer heat, the athmosphere had cooled. Favorable conditions for the development of tomato mold (phytophthora) was created. Mold represents a great danger for the occurance and spreading of this dangerous disease.
All of us, who have been using MINERAL for years , know, that tomatos get infected much later, if useing MINERAL products from sowing on. If the infection isn’t to great, it can be contained by spraying with the MINERAL YELLOW solution. Excellent crops can still be harvested as it is shown bellow.

Plants in the open
Tomato plants in the open are at greater risk of getting infected by mold

If all of the black, infected leaves and part of the steam are removed, with the use of MINERAL we can still produce healthy fruit.

Despite the exceptionally dense planting (planted so close to eachother due MINERAL effects testing), all the leaves, includng those on the inside of the plant bed and on lower levels were completely healthy, dark green and robust. The plants bloomed alot and were full of fruits. A few days before this photo was made, there were several storms, the risk of an infection with phytophthora was very high but it an infection did not appear.
Plants in greenhouse
Tomato plants grown in a greenhouse are more protected, therefore the infection occurs in a lesser extent and with the use of MINERAL can be contained easier.

After six sprayings with a 10% MINERAL Yellow solution, the spread of the disease stopped on the leaves, which can be seen by the sharp edges between the infected and the healthy leaf surface.

The fruits, despite the infected leaves, still grow and develop nicely. Due to regular spraying with MINERAL Yellow, the fruit remained healthy untill harvested.

On the right side of the photo are tomatos in the greenhouse where MINERAL was not used and on the left are the tomatos in the greenhouse that were watered and sprayed with a combined use of all MINERAL agents. Although the varieties are close to eachother, the mold was succesfully contained on the plants sprayed with MINERAL, whereas the tomatos without MINERAL, because of the disease withered and decayed in a very short period of time.

Tomatoe in left column above was grown WITH MINERAL.

Tomatoe in right column above was grown WITHOUT MINERAL.

Fruit harvested from the tomatos where MINERAL was used: shiny, thick, delicious fruit.